Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga logo

What am I looking for?


A contribution for which little or no return is expected up to $350

Event Sponsorship

Support in return for positive promotion of TToH's name, image, products or Services up to $1200

Scholarship- Education funding 

A Grant or Payment made to support a person's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievements up to $1500


Grant/Team Sponsorship


Cultural, Sporting and Academic pursuits are an important aspect of personal, Whānau, hapū and iwi development.


Is to encourage and to recognise the pursuit of excellence undertaken by Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga members.

This application applies to:

Individuals or teams who:

  • Whakapapa directly to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Marae/Hapū and are registered members Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH) / Ngāti Kahugunu iwi inc. (NKii)
  • Not for Profit Ngāti Kahugunu affiliated Community Groups / Organsiations, Marae/Hapū within Heretaunga.
  • Are nominated or supported by a Heretaunga Marae to receive sponsorship.
    • In the situation of a representative team that consists of eligible members, a contribution is made to the team/group, not to individuals
    • in the situation of Ngā Mataa Waka registered members residing in Heretaunga a letter of support from Te Aranga Marae must be attached to the application


 In addition to meeting of the above criteria, successful recipients will be required to attend that Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Annual General Meeting to make a public acknowledgement subsequent to receiving sponsorship, and fulfil any other responsibilities agreed upon regarding benefits to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.

Grant/Team Sponsorship Application Form

Individual / Team Grant - Sponsorship Application Form
Contact Details

For yourself or Team


Please put your email address in here

Application Criteria

To qualify you must be registered with TToH or Nkii & Whakapapa to 1 Heretaunga Marae


NB: By completing this option the person mentioned agrees to your application


Please confirm your registration details at Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Inc.


EG: To buy bibs for primary school netball team


Please include a budget with application

Amount Sought
Benefits to Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH)

Successful applicants will have considered benefits of sponsorship to TToH so please list your ideas and examples below

Preferred Payment

If Successful how would you prefer payment?


You must attach a Verified Bank account / Deposit slip

Supporting Doccumentation

Please attach to application

Declaration Privacy Act Authorisation

This application relates to information that TToH may hold about me/us now or in the future


I have read and understood the terms and conditions attached to this application

Click here for Declaration & Privacy Authorisation


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